Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Innovative pedagogical approaches

Table of Contents
1.1 Improving general knowledge for the early childhood
1.1.3 Early Literacy and Numeracy

Proper pronunciation of language sounds, sound groups and words is a prerequisite for a thorough understanding of correct reading and writing and later, of literacy. The child learns his or her mother tongue by imitation, assimilation of "verbal blocks" without grasping their semantic or grammatical value. The teacher must find appropriate methods and procedures that will enable the preschool child to consciously operate the acquired verbal material.

The most appropriate method is the game, full of surprises, which causes the child to engage fully in solving the tasks. The most commonly used and recommended method is the phonetic-analitic synthetic method that familiarizes the child with the sentence, the word, the syllable, the sound and the recomposition. The games organized at this age mainly aim at correcting the pronunciation disorders by asking children to perform breathing exercises, imitation of onomastics, sounds, groups of sounds to improve hearing acuity.

Along with the activities leading to the early literacy of preschoolers, there are activities with mathematical content, which are meant to familiarize children with the notion of number, of associating the number to a quantity, of conscious counting of the elements of a set, having the role of facilitating the transition from intuitive hard fact thinking to the abstract one. The variety of content of mathematical activities leads to the development and practice of thought processes such as: analysis, synthesis, comparation, abstraction. Thus, before knowing natural numbers and consciously working with them, the child has to take direct contact with the plurality of objects, establish the relationships between them, and perform various operations that result in new sets with other properties.

As a result of the systematically organized mathematical activities, the gradually complicated tasks and the awareness of the actions performed, it is ascertained that the preschoolers' thinking records the qualitative leaps towards the end of the preschool. Based on the analysis, comparison and generalization processes, children become intuitive of the number, which is an abstract notion.

It is known that mathematical activities play a decisive role in the development of children's thinking, therefore understanding the concepts, operating with them, concurred in the formation of a logical and creative thinking.

Online Resource

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The TIK - Tradition & Innovation @ Kindergarten project © 2018