Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Cooperation with families and caregivers

Table of Contents
3.2 How to deal with cultural diversity
3.2.5 Code of Conduct for inclusive and positive interaction with families

Different cultures are a great resource and according to this intercultural perspective, it is fundamental to underline the importance of the coexistence of different cultural ideas which can become an opportunity for cultural enrichment. Graziella Favaro suggests a list of ten steps in the Code of Conduct for an inclusive interaction :

  • getting  to know  themselves;
  • getting to move away from themselves;
  • understanding and accepting different points of view;
  • identifying  differences;
  • identifying similarities and correspondences;
  • developing open and curious attitudes;
  • "putting’ yourself in somebody else’s place”
  • managing  conflicts;
  • being able to negotiate;
  • building up the results of the interaction and monitoring any changes.

The intention is to create a climate of interaction between school-families- local area. As a consequence, it is important to propose educational opportunities by creating formative paths which represent an essential link in order to promote growth, calm and well-being for all the involved people. 

“Il bambino che gioca davanti a casa avverte com’è rassicurante affrontare il mondo senza contemporaneamente rinunciare alla protezione presentata dalla casa. Ma perché questo risulti possibile, la madre, affacciandosi alla finestra, dovrebbe poter vedere quello che succede e dove sta giocando suo figlio, dovrebbe poter sentire di che cosa parla e sapere a che gioca con gli altri bambini” (B. Bettelheim)

Parents and children grow up together following the same path. The emotional growth of a child is a complex process which leads to the development of his/her own identity. If this process is lived with a relaxed and positive attitude, parents will play their role in a better way. They should not be anxious because they may convey their anxiety to their children. If parents are informed about the educational path followed by their children they will be more relaxed and will develop a more positive attitude towards their children.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The TIK - Tradition & Innovation @ Kindergarten project © 2018