Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Information and Contacts

Latest News

This section of the TIK Project portal provides administrative information for the project contractual partners and for the European Commission and it is password protected.

Project Management - Work in Progress

This section allows a constant communication and sharing of information among the project partners as far as the activities for the different intellectual outputs are concerned.
Each project partner upload this section of a three months basis.
Partners' Institution
EUROED Primary School
Outputs concerned
PM - Project Management
1 Nov 2017
31 Aug 2019

Objectives of activities carried out

The project management activities aim to ensure the correct development of the project activities and the achievements of the expected results.

Management activities are divided into 4 main action:
- Coordination
- Dissemination
- Exploitation
- Evaluation

Coordination of the activities aim to ensure :
• Effective Planning of all the activities
• Effective organisaiton of thee transnational meetings of the steering committee
• Constant in progress reporting activities and delivery of yearly reports
• Constant sharing of solutions and circulation of information among partners
• Monitoring of the project state of art and of the respecting of the deadlines

Dissemination activities aim to:
- Making the Portal accessible to the largest possible number of stakeholders
- Sharing the Portal and the results with the highest number of operators in the field of education
- Sharing project information with the highest number of citizens

It aims to promote the project sustainability. The actions to be carried out are:
• Promote the Portal through the exchange links with Portals addressing similar issues (e.g. Portals providing educational materials for teachers; portals on the theatrical topic, etc.)
• Promote the among public authorities and key policy makers in order to gain institutional consensus and promoting the insertion of project results in policies for Education.
• Involve new members as associated partners

The aim of evaluation is to measure and ensure the quality of all the activities and of the project intellectual output. Both project partners and end users are involved and will have to fill in ad hoc questionnaires.

Description of activities carried out

Coordination of the activities
- The first step on the project implementation was to have a review on the project application for understanding the content, for checking the objectives and roles of the EUROED Primary School team within the each work package of activities, creating the project Grant chart according to the calendar of activities, understanding the workflow and the implementation steps.

- Participation in periodic internal meetings, presenting to the team members the project, objectives, activities, results, establishing task, discussing about the activities and ways to implement the project, previous experiences on the project related activities, and on approaches for the target group, discussions on the project budget.
- Discussions with the team members about the participation in the international meetings, verifying the reservations done, revising the application and preparing interventions and questions regarding the project implementation. Revising the meetings agenda, checking the tasks and responsibilities under the programme and planning the participation.
- Participation on the international partners project meetings, in which prepared the presentation of the institution and a short movie.

Dissemination activities:
Involvement in dissemination activities with the aims to raise the awareness to project target group on the aims of the project.
- Participation in dissemination activities, formal or informal, national or international
- Involvement in the project portal
- Participation in transnational meetings where the project has been promoted, distribution of information and brochures
- Participation in direct meetings with teachers, counsellors and school principals with the view to disseminate and promote the project and invite them to join the project network of kindergartens
- Permanent posts on the project Facebook page with data on the project activities
- Dissemination of the project on the institutional website and facebook page.
- Project promotion between local and national Kindergartens
- Translation of the brochure
- Desk research on the kindergartens which can act as potential participants in the project

- EUROED participated in meetings for promoting the project and inviting potential interested associated partners to join the project and support its activities.
- EuroEd was involved in sending invitations for various potential associated partners to join the project
-Up to now EuroED set up 4 connections/links between the project and various scientific communities
- Uploading the information on the associated partners on the project portal and preparing the package with all the forms to be sent to the coordinator

Results Achieved

- Activity Reports – constantly updated
- Materials (e.g. ppt. presentations) prepared for participation in the international project meetings
- Internal project meeting minutes
- PM3_B_Exploitation_links
- PM3_A_Associated_Partner_Letter

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The TIK - Tradition & Innovation @ Kindergarten project © 2018