Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Module 2: Families help and support

Families help and support to pre-school services in the building of the cognitive and pre-cognitive social development of children

Interactive Test

Table of Contents

You have to answer all the questions to get your score

Question n° 1/10
Rules imposed by parents must be followed by:

children only
both children and adults
grandparents only
parents only
Question n° 2/10
We can help developing the child’s autonomy by:

showing him what needs to be done every time
letting them solve things on their own
giving them a set options from which they can choose
all of the above
Question n° 3/10
What is a boundry?:

a generic term used when refusing to do something
to set certain lines beween what is and what is not allowed
to force the child to do a specific thing
a method of simplifying the parent’s tasks
Question n° 4/10
Playing games during pre-school age is:

the main method of learning at this age
a very popular activity due to its fun factor
a mean of relaxation together with peers
all of the above
Question n° 5/10
Parents’ expectations regarding children must be:

adapted to age specifics
at a high level in order to motivate the child
at a low level in order to ensure they can be achieved
none of the above
Question n° 6/10
Children’s wishes, of any kind, should:

always be fulfilled by parents
be fulfilled by parents only if the child behaves adequately
never be fulfilled
be discussed and explained to te child about which ones can be fulfilled and which ones cannot and what are the reasons for these decisions.
Question n° 7/10
In order for learning to take place:

the child must never miss school classes
the adult needs to be a competent rolemodel in the specific field/ subject
the child must execute independent work
the parents must hire private tutors
Question n° 8/10
How can we show to the child that we are on his/her side?:

by fulfilling his/her wishes and needs unconditionally
by making them dependant on us
by being supportive when they need it, without stopping teir own initiative
by supporting them only when facing unknown challenges
Question n° 9/10
How can language development be supported during pre-school age?

by encouraging interaction with other children and adults
by constantly correcting speech mistakes
by ensuring adults adapt their speech to the child’s level
all of the above
Question n° 10/10
Communicating efficiently means:

to be able to transmit (verbally or in writing) and to receive messages, encoded signs or body language signs correctly.
to speak continuously about what is of interest to yourself
to be a good listener and to accasionally send approving cues towards your interlocutor
to take into account only your own opininon
You have to answer all the questions to get your score

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The TIK - Tradition & Innovation @ Kindergarten project © 2018