Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Innovative pedagogical approaches

Table of Contents
1.3 Learning dispositions
1.3.3 Attention and perception

The child is playing to learn, learning to play, so he can at the same time enrich his cognitive sphere and even relax.


In the preschool child, involuntary attention is dominated by the voluntary one. Because the regulatory activity of the second signaling system on the first is still insufficient, under the influence of some sensory impressions, the child's activity deviates easily from the initial task. By giving the child a box in which there are balls, asking him to open it, he starts to work very carefully, but by observing that something sounds, he moves to a new formula: he begins to shake the box, roll it over.

While three-year-olds can not keep an eye on a game for more than 10-15 minutes, at six years the time spent in the game may be 45-50 minutes.

Stability of voluntary attention is reduced, as voluntary attention continues to be less developed than involuntary attention. Children, especially those in the small and medium group, can easily be distracted from the teacher's task, under the influence of more vivid impressions. For example, if a child is given the task of building a house from the cubes, he starts his work very carefully, but by noticing the noise that a cube is making in the fall, his attention involuntarily directs this aspect to that, instead of continuing to build, it tears what it did.

Due to the fact that voluntary attention is insufficiently developed in preschool children, their ability to keep their attention on an object or activity is influenced by a number of factors. Thus, the stability of attention may be greater or less, depending on the affective state of the child, the interest it has for the work done.

Focusing attention, especially involuntary, is also quite high in pre-school children. Sometimes it may happen that a child does not perform what he is asked because at the moment his attention is strongly focused on another activity. The attention of children is also characterized at this age by a low volume and low flexibility. For this reason, the child has difficulty concentrating on more complex situations, switching from one job to another, or spreading attention to other activities..

Educating the pre-school volunteer is an important aspect of the child's preparation for school. Another important aspect in capturing and maintaining the child's voluntary attention is represented by the language used.

Online Resource

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The TIK - Tradition & Innovation @ Kindergarten project © 2018