Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Innovative pedagogical approaches

Table of Contents
1.4 How to deal with Diversity and Inclusion
1.4.5 Building intercultural spaces for pupils and families

Both inclusive and intercultural education can not be achieved only within the school, so besides the goals teachers are fulfilling, the parents are also important. They can get involved in school life, trust the policies promoted by them, encourage the talents and successes of their children, do not get discouraged if they have children with ESCs, accept diversity, accept their own child as a distinct, unique person , in particular, to accept others, to resort to support services provided by the institution and the community (psychologists, social mediators, etc.), to propose to the school to develop educational programs, according to the identified needs, to take responsibility and practice volunteering in school, give positive feedback, be good listeners, take initiative and participate in the proposed activities.

In the development of children in the spirit of tolerance is very important triad family-child-kindergarten; cooperation between these two worlds of children is the fundamental factor in any of the components of education, but especially when we want to have future tolerant and easily adaptable adults.

Intercultural education aims to develop an education for all in the spirit of recognizing the differences that exist within the same society and less (or at all) to the education of different cultures, which would involve staticism and isolation of cultural groups. Intercultural education privileges interaction and dialogue, the courage to get out of itself and the desire for projection in the other. An education conceived in the intercultural perspective will resemble the relationships between school and other educational spaces; it will overflow the walls of the school, prolonging and insinuating itself in informal activities in everyday life. As multiculturalism is not only within the school's perimeter (often beyond or after school), we must prepare ourselves in advance to meet and value it.

Online Resource

Activities that can be successfully implemented in kindergarten, involving parents.

This activity involves the involvement of preschoolers alongside other family members in presenting their own culture, habits, or an important event in their lives. Multimedia media (pictures, videos, songs) or various suggestive objects (clothing, kitchen objects, etc.) or, where possible, can take place at the children's home.

This activity directly involves only the fathers of the children (or the male representatives of the family - a grandfather, an uncle, etc.) and involves the construction of specific cultural objects - musical instruments, pots, toys, etc. The resulting objects can be donated on special occasions (International Children's Day, Winter Holidays); children can get involved in presenting and donating objects (depending on age).

This activity is no longer centered on its own intercultural diversity, but requires research, knowledge and interactive presentation of missing or less well-known cultures. These presentations need to be interactive, to cause children to want to know more.

This involves an international partnership between kindergartens and the organization of camps in different countries to get in touch with cultures and their representatives.

  • Good practice model is an institution in Italy that has an intercultural approach facilitated by the arts.

The partnership between kindergarten and family is a first relational and collaborative experience of parents with professionals in the field of education.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The TIK - Tradition & Innovation @ Kindergarten project © 2018