Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Module 2: Families help and support

Families help and support to pre-school services in the building of the cognitive and pre-cognitive social development of children

Practical Activities

Table of Contents

Practical Activities
Practical Activity 1: Now about anger!

Description of the Practical Activity: Debating with children on what caused, what was the outcome and how their actions made the others feel, following moments when a child manifest his/her anger.

Please download the full practical activity

Practical Activity 2: Today I enjoyed the most…..

Description of the Practical Activity: Some kids enjoy speaking a lot about their lives, whilst others rarely participate to the conversation. In order to investigate the types of children we are working with, their likes and dislikes, we can invite them to a game where we get to know each other better.

Please download the full practical activity

Practical Activity 3: The chart of household responsibilities

Description of the Practical Activity: Children must be involved in day to day household activities. In order for these not to become undesireable chores, parents can create a daily chart of activities from which each family member can choose. Tasks such as doing the dishes or picking up the toys and putting them back in their boxes can be set in this chart. Also, the tasks may be individual or group tasks.

Please download the full practical activity

Practical Activity 4: Let’s build a …

Description of the Practical Activity: : ….tent, bird house, snowman…anything that involves spending time with your child in an active manner and creates opportunities to exercise precision motric skills and creativity.

Please download the full practical activity

Practical Activity 5: Role Play

Description of the Practical Activity: You can suggest to your children to swap roles with you for the day, thus creating the opportunity to observe the way they perceive your role.

Please download the full practical activity

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The TIK - Tradition & Innovation @ Kindergarten project © 2018