Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Tale typology
Intercultural traditions

Age Suitability

Tale summary
Floating and flying in the sky, on the stars it calms me without
end is a thought hidden from them I would like to know but I don't
know it because it's far away it's in the stars and only the
galaxies know.
I climb slowly up the stairs to get something that no one would
take a star that weighs no charge and I fly in the sky over the
stars and a dream I dream of are my thoughts.
Educational potential / Learning Outcomes
We have chosen this story because it represents the meeting point of different cultures. Fantasy brings children to new knowledge, experiences, emotions and a fantastic trip.
Full Plot
Once upon a time in a black sky, a star, a MAMMA star. It was a sky
waiting, waiting for tomorrow. The star mum was the brightest star, it
was the star that remained in the sky until the first light of morning, it
was not tired of shining, it is much better than for the eyes. But she
was also a mother and I had something with her little stars. Often
distracted, messy and bored. Better still the same ... - mommy can you
tell us about the NEW WIND? - Sure ... are you sure that you really
want me to tell you the story of hardship, which lasts so long and never
ends? - Sure mom !!!!
But it certainly does not say mum to the novella of hardship that lasts
so long and never ends ... .- ohhh ... - But do not say ohhh mum to the
story of hardship that lasts so long and never ends .. . ..-
And so word after word, smile after smile, since the beginning of time,
the story never ended, but the little stars slowly fell asleep and left their
sweet splendor to sleep. The mother, on the other hand, was the most
beautiful star in the firmament. It was the light of tomorrow.
One Lesson Plan



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Partners' Institution
VšĮ "eMundus"
Author of the comments
Aušra Jankauskaitė (Plungė Kindergarten "Raudonkepuraitė")
LT Muzikinė istorija nukėlė vaikus į paslaptingą, mistinį, fantastinį žvaigždžių, sapnų ir svajonių pasaulį. Vaikus domino italų kalba, muzikinis instrumentas - gitara, idėja - piešti žvaigždutes ant akmenukų blizgančiais klijais. Šią istoriją galima naudoti kalbant apie skirtingų tautų žmonių papročius, plečiant žinias apie dangaus kūnus, tamsą - šviesą, kuriant paslaptingą nuotaiką...

EN The musical story brought children to the mysterious, mystical, fantastic world of stars, dreams and wishes. Children were interested in the Italian language, the musical instrument - the guitar, the idea - to paint the stars on little stones with glossy glue. This story can be used to talk about the customs of people of different nations, to expand their knowledge of celestian bodies in the sky, darkness and light, to create a mysterious mood...

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The TIK - Tradition & Innovation @ Kindergarten project © 2018