Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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The Dream of Gediminas


Tale typology
Local traditions

Age Suitability
5-7 years old

Tale summary
Grand Duke Gediminas dreamed prophetic dream. Early morning when he cam to the sage and got infomation about the meaning of the dream, he built a castle on the hill and called it The Castle of Gediminas. Later the capital of Lithuania was moved to this place and called it Vilnius (in Lithuanian "vilkas" means wolf).
Educational potential / Learning Outcomes
The legend helps to understand history and roots of famous Lithuanian castle.
Full Plot
One day Grand Duke Gediminas (ruler of Lithuania from 1316 to 1341) went hunting in the forest of Šventaragis' Valley, 4 miles from his residence in Trakai. Lithuanian forests were renown for their primeval state and abundance of game - a true hunter's paradise.

Not far from the river Vilnelė he rode the his horse to beautiful hill (now it is called Tauras Hill). On this hill he noticed big forest animal - aurochs. After successful hunting of this animal by Gediminas, the duke noticed that it is too late to go back home to Trakai. So, he stayed in Šventaragis' Valley for a night (now here stands Vilnius Cathedral).
During the night he dreamed a huge iron wolf who was standing on the nearest hill from where he was sleeping. And from that wolf the sound was so loud like hundreds of wolfs were howling.

In the morning, puzzled by the dream, Gediminas sought out the help of Lizdeika, a local sage, to interpret the dream for him. Lizdeika told him that the wolf's iron armor and loud voice meant that a powerful fortress would be built on the hill and that its fame would be heard far and wide in the world.

Grand Duke Gediminas promptly gave orders to build two castles on the hill and later moved his headquarters to this new site from Trakai. The castle was called The Castle of Gediminas and the place - Vilnius (in Lithuanian "vilkas" means wolf). Vilnius is the current capital of Lithuania and it grew up around The Castle of Gediminas.
One Lesson Plan
1. Listening the legend about Gediminas Dream.
2. The excursion to the capital - Vilnius. Excursion to The Castle of Gediminas .
3. Reflection after the trip.
4. Watch the video of this legend:
5. Photos and drawings by children. Exhibition.


Partners' Institution
VšĮ "eMundus"
Author of the comments
Daiva Jurkienė (Plungė Kindergarten "Raudonkepuraitė")
LT Labai patiko pasaka "Gedimino sapnas"(The dream of Gediminas). Šitą video žiūrėjome Ryto rato metu. Vaikai buvo labai susidomėję. Jiems kilo nemažai klausimų. Aptarėme girdėtą pasakojimą. Paskui visa tai bandėme atvaizduoti popieriaus lape. Vaikai dar kartą prisiminė kas yra mūsų šalies sostinė ir kaip buvo įkurtas Vilniaus miestas.
Ačiū už gražias pasakas.

EN We liked the fairy-tale "The Dream of Gediminas". Children watched the video in the morning during morning circle. Kids were very interested, got many questions. After discussion about the tale, children tried to visualize what they heard on the paper. In such way children remembered what is Lithuania's capital and how Vilnius was established. Thank you for beautiful fairy-tales.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The TIK - Tradition & Innovation @ Kindergarten project © 2018