Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Module 1: Innovative pedagogical approaches

Innovative pedagogical approaches to improve basic cognitive and transversal pre-cognitive competences of pre-school pupils

Practical Activities

Table of Contents

Practical Activities
Practical Activity 1: Games for the development of motricity

Description of the Practical Activity: General motricity will help with playing smoothly with the ball, with the jumping on each foot or on both, with different ways of walking

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Practical Activity 2: Oranges- Game that promotes diversity

Description of the Practical Activity: Each child is encouraged to choose an orange and to recognize it, to remember its unique features.

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Practical Activity 3: The color pencil box – Game meant for the stimulation of diversity

Description of the Practical Activity: In order to better understand the concept of diversity, we recommend the following drawing exercise.

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Practical Activity 4: Colors – Game meant for the stimulation of social inclusion

Description of the Practical Activity: A circle is made and each kid receives a color token (each one gets a different color). The tokens are held by the kids on their own forehead and they can each see the colors of all the others, except one’s own.

Please download the full practical activity

Practical Activity 5: Different socks – Game meant for the stimulation of diversity

Description of the Practical Activity: Kids are asked to come to kindergarten wearing different socks. A dialogue starts regarding the differences that make us unique.

Please download the full practical activity

Practical Activity 6: The parking of emotions- Activity that is meant for the development of self-control

Description of the Practical Activity: One draws a big picture on which the main emotions are represented (nervousness, sadness, happiness, pride, embarassment, confusion, loneliness) and on the opposite side possible solutions are laid out (breathe deeply, hold my hand, count till 10, jump three times, ask for a hug, etc).

Please download the full practical activity

Practical Activity 7: We eat healthy! – Activity meant to develop independence

Description of the Practical Activity: Beforehand there is a discussion about what a balanced and healthy diet means. The teacher presents the ingredients needed to make a salad and the stages for its preparations.

Please download the full practical activity

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The TIK - Tradition & Innovation @ Kindergarten project © 2018